Kojan Sarma

Hello and welcome. I’m Kojan, the author of The Death of Hatred.

I made the choice to kill the hatred in my heart—a decision all of humanity must face, for hatred will destroy us if we let it. But I could never have done this on my own. God created mankind in His image to reflect His character and to enjoy a deep friendship with Him. He made us to be His partners and successors. Yet, humanity did not return that love. Throughout the ages, we have rebelled and turned away from Him.

In response, God reached out to us, seeking to restore His image in us, which had been darkened by evil. He reached out to me in a 100% Muslim valley near the Iran-Iraq border. God prescribed the way of faith because we cannot change ourselves to become the people we were created to be—people who reflect His image. We must learn from God and draw strength from Him.

But how can anyone do this without believing in God? Mere belief is not enough—it is the knowledge of God that leads us toward His approval and helps us become the people He intended us to be. It is through this transformation that hatred is replaced with love.

How wonderful is that!?

But how do we experience this? The Bible says, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” I keep my eyes on Him. I see Jesus in the Bible and learn from Him.

It wasn’t easy for me to let go of my desire for revenge against those who killed my loved ones when I was very young, leaving me to drink the bitter cup of orphanhood. But I learned from Christ not only to forgive them but also to long for their salvation.

You can learn more about my story in my book, The Death of Hatred.